Class Prices
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Single Class Drop-in
- $25.00 + HST (Valid for 30 days)
5 Pack
- Price = $125.00 + HST (Valid for 30 days)
- All services are subject to tax (HST)
- “Fundamentals and Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced” refer to the level of the instructor and the class, and not necessarily the expertise or the experience of the student.
- The period of validity begins from the first date of attendance.
- Package purchases are neither shareable with nor transferable to other students
Cancellation Policy
- Cancellation or postponement of a class registration must be made with no penalty up to twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the scheduled class.
- Cancellation or postponement of a class registration that occurs with less than twenty-four (24) notice will be deemed a “no show/absence.”
- “No-shows/absent” registrations will be charged at 100% of the price of the scheduled class. Credits will not be issued for missed classes or appointments.
Health & Safety Etiquette
A gentle reminder of the following measures instituted for your safety:
- When possible, please bring your own yoga mat, towel, strap, and two blocks.
- For our instructor’s safety: please do not place any of your belongings on the studio platform.
- Less is more. When visiting the studio, please bring a minimal number of personal belongings.
- Rope-wall, Bolster & Chair equipment use: Please disinfect your hands before and after you use the ropes. Please disinfect chairs/bolsters before and after use.